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Showing posts from September, 2011

Dear Abby

SOMEONE: Lay some sunshine on me this spectacular Friday! Dear Someone, You are the single most important spark in the universe! Inside you is the potential for all that is good and desired. You and you alone can make all that you want a reality and light the path for those who have lost their way. You are life in the universe, you are hope and you are only limited by you! Celebrate you for some worship you!

Leader or Manager

As we all know, work sux! It is a four letter word and we have to do it; those two make it bad enough. But why do we let our work consume us? I know people who hold jobs at all levels and many of them are consumed by their job. Don’t get me wrong I know job pride and the joy of a job well done; but I never let it consume me. Over the last few years I have noticed that employers no longer care about their employees and their morale. Has out sourcing taken the ultimate toll? Have we become desensitized to our own staff due to other countries eagerness to make the American dollar? Or is it that we just became a project management kind of work force? We all know the kind, well paid short lived and nothing matters but the project. It is simple for me: I am only as good as those that support and help me. Never would I ride the backs of people for my own status. Oh but wait, I am assuming we have leaders instead of managers. I have been fortunate to know leadership and have been called upon t...

Work SUX

Lately it’s been a brick making party at the pyramid for me. I understand all too well that I chose this path but even whores enjoy their work. It is the work I detest or the task masters that dole out the beatings? Interesting paradigm for all sides is right. We must earn money to pay the bills just to survive. I could go do “my dream” job but starving is really not an option. Before you say, yes I will suck it up and do my job. For that has never been in question or an option. Even as a lowly brick maker, I will do my best. For my drive to do my best is not driven by the whip or the threats (cause we all know your position in life does not preclude you from an ass whipping) but by my own self pride to do my best. To a point I am at their mercy but I am also capable of cutting my chord and free falling. Simple life lesson, you can only kick a dog for so long then he will bite you or leave!