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Work SUX

Lately it’s been a brick making party at the pyramid for me. I understand all too well that I chose this path but even whores enjoy their work. It is the work I detest or the task masters that dole out the beatings? Interesting paradigm for all sides is right. We must earn money to pay the bills just to survive. I could go do “my dream” job but starving is really not an option. Before you say, yes I will suck it up and do my job. For that has never been in question or an option. Even as a lowly brick maker, I will do my best. For my drive to do my best is not driven by the whip or the threats (cause we all know your position in life does not preclude you from an ass whipping) but by my own self pride to do my best. To a point I am at their mercy but I am also capable of cutting my chord and free falling. Simple life lesson, you can only kick a dog for so long then he will bite you or leave!


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