As we all know, work sux! It is a four letter word and we have to do it; those two make it bad enough. But why do we let our work consume us? I know people who hold jobs at all levels and many of them are consumed by their job. Don’t get me wrong I know job pride and the joy of a job well done; but I never let it consume me. Over the last few years I have noticed that employers no longer care about their employees and their morale. Has out sourcing taken the ultimate toll? Have we become desensitized to our own staff due to other countries eagerness to make the American dollar? Or is it that we just became a project management kind of work force? We all know the kind, well paid short lived and nothing matters but the project. It is simple for me: I am only as good as those that support and help me. Never would I ride the backs of people for my own status. Oh but wait, I am assuming we have leaders instead of managers. I have been fortunate to know leadership and have been called upon to do work which put me in harm’s way. At no time did I ponder it or question it for those that called me were leaders and had my loyalty and trust. Funny thing is that all the “managers” of the world only have fear and threats. These “skills” are usually how they project their inadequacies on those that they ride to the top only to cast away as they no longer serve a need. Leader, manager, drone or follower; we all have our place. Do you know where you stand and are you ok with the example of leadership that you portray?
I guess Lee Ann Womack nailed it when she belted that song out. How many times have we been there? We say we are not going to fall for someone and then out of the blue, one little smile and its all out the window. Before we know what has happened we are picking ourselves up off the floor in pieces. More times that I would like to say, I have been hurt by caring too much. Even more times than that I have sworn that I would not care and I would be ok with this one. Yet I continue to get hurt and am a friend to many who do the same thing. Is it so bad? I would rather go through life with pain than to live with nothing. Pain reminds me I am alive and that I still care. It is a burden to bare a life lived without emotions. We are creatures of love and compassion. We live our lives trying to be a part of something and more of that time is spent trying to care. We gauge ourselves and others on how they care. We almost set ourselves up to cause and feel pain. Many even try to end thing...
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