Since I was born I was taught (and sometimes forced) to speak in front of people. Thank you for that mom and dad! In my early days I thought that using the biggest longest most complex words made me seem smart. Sadly I failed all too often at using my big words correctly. As I grew up and learned more I realized that we (and I mean all of us) cater our dialog to our audience. I speak completely different when I am in a country setting than I do when I am presenting in a corporate setting. For the longest time I thought of this as fake or hiding but it is truly just me being me. You calling BS yet? Thinks about it, do you curse smoke and drink in front of everyone? No, why? Any number of reasons comes to mind but respect is at the top of my list. So how do big words and respect tie together? We base our entirety of life on experiences we have seen lived or painted for ourselves. In all of those the simplest words are the most sincere. Yet most simple words bare volumes to explain and/or understand. I have a few words and phrases tattooed on my but the ones that define my life are simply “I CAN” and “I WILL”. Funny how a three and four letter word defines my existence on this earth yet they do completely and concisely explain me. This all came to light in a few conversations as of late. Spewing all of upper level educations and libraries of knowledge we decipher the world at every level and marvel at how we understand it all. But in all that wisdom simple words define it all. Words like love, trust, hope and peace come to mind as solutions to most of the world’s issues. Simple words again shine through and bring the light of hope beaming in. But do we use these simple words correctly? Sometimes but the real question is do we use these honestly. We use simple words to get to most elemental state with quick simplicity yet we often fail at being truthful. Simple words have deep meanings with longer explanations therefore use them accordingly but never forget to be honest. Simple words bare great meaning so you them carefully. Say simple words often, say them honestly and watch as these are amplified in your life!
I guess Lee Ann Womack nailed it when she belted that song out. How many times have we been there? We say we are not going to fall for someone and then out of the blue, one little smile and its all out the window. Before we know what has happened we are picking ourselves up off the floor in pieces. More times that I would like to say, I have been hurt by caring too much. Even more times than that I have sworn that I would not care and I would be ok with this one. Yet I continue to get hurt and am a friend to many who do the same thing. Is it so bad? I would rather go through life with pain than to live with nothing. Pain reminds me I am alive and that I still care. It is a burden to bare a life lived without emotions. We are creatures of love and compassion. We live our lives trying to be a part of something and more of that time is spent trying to care. We gauge ourselves and others on how they care. We almost set ourselves up to cause and feel pain. Many even try to end thing...
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