I guess Lee Ann Womack nailed it when she belted that song
out. How many times have we been there? We say we are not going to fall for
someone and then out of the blue, one little smile and its all out the window.
Before we know what has happened we are picking ourselves up off the floor in
pieces. More times that I would like to say, I have been hurt by caring too
much. Even more times than that I have
sworn that I would not care and I would be ok with this one. Yet I continue to
get hurt and am a friend to many who do the same thing. Is it so bad? I would
rather go through life with pain than to live with nothing. Pain reminds me I
am alive and that I still care. It is a burden to bare a life lived without emotions.
We are creatures of love and compassion. We live our lives trying to be a part
of something and more of that time is spent trying to care. We gauge ourselves
and others on how they care. We almost set ourselves up to cause and feel pain.
Many even try to end things so they are the “hurt” ones just to look better in others
eyes. It’s pretty simple for me: I live, I love and I get hurt! I have even
told a few that I “was at their mercy” and knew that I would be hurt. Scars are
just tattoos with cooler stories. So as we travel down life’s road and get hurt:
ask yourself did I cause it? Did I give it my all? Can I live with how I behaved?
For you are the one who must live with your choices. It must be a sad lonely existence
to never know the sting of loves touch. I welcome the pain for the thought of
loving someone will always far out way the pain of it not working!
Life is such a beautiful gift which we often squander. Possessions, fame, notoriety and simple vain drama leads us to merely travel through life. As I stated on Facebook the other day, I fought to get into this world and my life is a constant struggle, yet I cherish every second of it. Several times I have looked into the darkness and had it look back only to awake me from my momentary lapse of reason and fight for my life. Never do we fight as hard as we do when life is involved. Be it ours, a loved one or in the line of duty we fight for life. Yet so many of us do not own the life we are given. As Americans we believe in a rich life filled with stuff and status points, sadly though many of us are not living. Life is for the living and not those merely burdened by the “status possession monster”. Sound like a load of crap? Do yourself a favor and ask yourself some questions. As you sit alone and honest with yourself be truthful and ask if you are living or surviving. I often am survi...
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