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What drives me

The other day a friend asked me “do you just sit around and think I’m gonna do that today?” and I had without hesitation I went into a long explanation of how I must know how everything works. As I left the question stuck with me and I began to take a hard look at my life. Since I was able to walk I had a burning desire to know how stuff works. As my father bought a set of encyclopedia I fell in love with them. If I had a question or thought off the encyclopedia I went to figure it out. Never have I been one to leave stuff alone let alone not know how to fix it, make it or understand the mechanics behind it.  Often times I find myself way to deep in something before reality hits and I have to back off. I am fortunate to be surrounded by people who support and cherish my passions. The down fall is that I only buy the best and must have enough to furnish a small army. This drive has led me to creating this and my website. I know it, learn it, master it and will pass it on here!


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